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SAJAC Genetics Symposium Thurs Oct 15, 2020

Are You at Risk for Getting Ashkenazi Genetic Diseases?

Why is this Symposium So Important?



We are proud to sponsor SAJAC Genetics Symposium, a virtual presentation addressing genetic disorders related to our Ashkenazi Jewish heritage.  The goal of this presentation is to increase awareness of diseases caused by genetic abnormalities amongst Ashkenazi Jews, suggest screening tests that can identify them and interventions to reduce the risk of getting such diseases.

Ashkenazi Jewry

The Ashkenazi Jewish community is thought to have arisen in Europe (Germany and France) between the 6th  and 9th centuries CE. However, persecution in Western Europe prompted Jewish migration between 1000 and 1500 CE towards Eastern Europe where they were initially welcomed. The Pale of Settlement where Ashkenazi Jews were permitted to settle was established in the late 18th century and included Lithuania, Latvia, Belarus, Ukraine and parts of Poland and Russia. Recent genetic analysis suggests an even mixture of European and Middle-Eastern ancestry in Ashkenazi Jews.


Genetic mutations (i.e. alteration of a gene’s structure) may increase the risk of developing certain diseases. Most notable in the Ashkenazi Jewish population are mutations involving the BRCA1 (discovered in the 1970’s by Mary-Claire King, PhD) and BRCA2 genes which increase the risk of developing breast and ovarian cancer at an early age.

In addition, these abnormal genes increase the risk of a man developing prostate cancer, both at an early age and in a more aggressive form. Many other diseases, including

  • Tay-Sachs
  • Gaucher
  • Cystic Fibrosis &
  • Crohn’s Disease
Time: 4-6 PST
4.00 – 5.00 pm  PST Speakers
5.00 – 6.00 pm PST Breakout Sessions 



A Kamir Kader MD PhD

Franklin Gaylis MD

Clive Essakow

Sarah Abelsohn







Take advantage of one-on-one communication with experts in their field

Get answers to all your questions

  • 1. Breast Related Genetics:

    Dr Linda Smith MDDr Linda Smith and Sarah Abelsohn will answer questions related to genetic testing for BRCA 1/2 and other genes, prophylactic mastectomy (preventative surgery) and IVF embryo selection to prevent transmitting a genetic mutation.

  • 3. Genetic Counselling:

    peggy Cotrell Genetics Counsellor SharsheretPeggy Cotrell, certified genetic counsellor with Sharsheret, will discuss the role of genetic counsellors and answer any related questions. Sharsheret is a national not-for-profit organization supporting Jewish women and families of all backgrounds facing breast and ovarian cancer at every stage – before, during, and after diagnosis.

  • 4. Carrier Screening Discussionsfor diseases such as Tay Sachs, Gaucher’s Disease, Cystic Fibrosis, Spinal Muscular Atrophy.

    Emily Goldberg JScreenEmily Goldberg, certified genetic counselor, will provide guidance concerning carrier related questions. The discussion is hosted by JScreen, a national, non-profit public health initiative dedicated to preventing Jewish genetic diseases.JScreen offers at-home carrier testing for over 200 genetic diseases that could impact couples’ future children, as well as follow-up genetic counseling services. JScreen is also launching a cancer genetic testing program in October 2020.

Venue: ONLINE ZOOM EVENT from the comfort of your own home.




SAJAC’s 1st  Virtual Genetics Symposium 2020 is supported by the generous donations from our sponsors:


    Myriad is an  established leader in the field of hereditary cancer genetic testing with nearly 30 years of experience and approximately 5 million patients tested. We are committed to providing patients with affordable and accurate information that they can rely upon when decisions matter most.
    Invitae is a leader in advanced medical genetics. Our company was founded with a singular mission: to make genetic information affordable and accessible to everyone who can benefit from it. The Invitae team includes pioneers in genetics, medicine, technology, and genetic counseling, and is trusted by experts to provide the most comprehensive, reliable genetic screening and support available. Invitae addresses genetic questions through all stages of life and all areas of medicine. Improving the quality of healthcare by making genetic information affordable and accessible for everyone.
    Sharsheret, Hebrew for chain, is the only national organization supporting Jewish women and families, of all backgrounds, facing breast and ovarian cancer—those who are diagnosed and those at high risk. They are accredited by the Better Business Bureau and have earned a 4-star rating from Charity Navigator for sound fiscal management and commitment to accountability and transparency.
    JScreen is a national non-profit public health initiative dedicated to preventing Jewish genetic diseases. Headquartered in Atlanta at Emory University School of Medicine, JScreen offers at-home carrier testing for over 200 genetic diseases that could impact a couple’s future children, as well as follow up genetic counseling services. JScreen is also launching a cancer genetic testing program in October 2020.