Our first SAJAC president was Leah Levin. She currently lives in Los Angeles. We’re extremely appreciative of her continued SAJAC involvement and support. She writes:
It is almost 40 years ago that we founded SAJAC with the idea of connecting with fellow South Africans to building a community that would integrate into the San Diego Jewish community. Our extraordinary South African heritage endowed us with the will and the ability to become a vibrant part of a country we now call home.
SAJAC has flourished and many of its members now serve on many other boards in the general community. To that extent I must recognize and praise the many volunteers, who contributed time and much effort to make this all possible. Most of all I applaud Pamela Nathan, who appears tirelessly devoted to this cause.
We are living in unprecedented times and the need for outreach and connection is even more important in order to face the challenges and to find solutions to our problems.
Even though SAJAC has redefined its goals, I know that it will continue to serve all South African Jews in this wonderful country.