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Baruch Dayan Ha Emet Norman Feitelberg Aug 8 2022

It is with deep sadness that we inform you of the passing of Norman Feitelberg  Z”L, loving husband of Lola, father of Rodney, Steven and Peter, grandfather of Jeffrey and Daniel, Zachary, Ariela and Jacob. Norman was born Jan. 10. 1928 in Cape Town.











Natie Finkelstein from Cape Town SA writes:

Dear Lola,

I guess you may be somewhat surprised to receive a note from me, as I surmise that I had fulfilled the adage of out of sight, out of mind.  Although we have sadly not been in communication since you left South Africa, you and Norman were always remembered in many ways.  I recall with much nostalgia our many chats when your office was down the passage from mine in Fir Street, Observatory.

It is indeed with much regret that I received the unexpected tidings of your beloved husband’s sudden demise in the USA from my dear friend, Peter Persicaner.  Hillary and the family join me in expressing to you and your extended families our heartfelt sympathy and deepest condolences in this sad bereavement.  We pray that you will be granted the necessary divine inspiration, comfort and fortitude to cope with such an irreparable loss, particularly at this significant time of the year in the Jewish calendar.

To lose a life partner, loving husband, father, and I presume grandfather, will undoubtedly leave a huge void in your lives.  Norman was a revered member of the pharmaceutical profession in South Africa and was dearly loved by all who knew him.  To me, he was an esteemed colleague and I used to look forward to our cordial interactions at PSSA meetings and conferences.  Norman was one of the stalwarts in the CWP Branch of the Pharmaceutical Society of South Africa and was one of the first to welcome me into that fraternity.  Whilst he was a very versatile individual, his greatest influence in our relationship was when he served as Governor of the South African Society for the History of Pharmacy.  His wealth of knowledge about the early colonial history of pharmacy practice in the Cape and about pharmaceutical artefacts was legendary and I guess his influence has kept my interest in those aspects of the profession alive in my twilight years.

He was an astute pharmaceutical politician, but always the voice of reason when the debates drifted off at a tangent or became somewhat heated at conferences.  His talent in that regard received recognition both at branch and national level and I was so proud when he served as President of the Pharmaceutical Society of South Africa.  He was also granted the honour of being made a Fellow of that organisation.  Although I have mentioned the odd personal incident that came to mind spontaneously, I can honestly declare that I have always regarded Norman as a highly respected pharmacist, a man of impeccable character and a mensch in every sense of the word.

It was therefore with profound shock when I heard the sad news yesterday.  He will undoubtedly be deeply mourned and sorely missed – a mighty cedar has fallen in the pharmaceutical profession in South Africa.  The greatest tribute that you, your children, and grandchildren – in fact, all his colleagues and friends  ̶  can pay to Norman’s cherished memory is to emulate many of his sterling qualities and exemplary integrity.

As a mere mortal, I feel rather powerless in the limited comfort that I can offer you all at such a distressing time; however, suffice it to say that we feel for you — and care about you — in this time of sorrow and grief.  At times like this, it would be more appropriate to offer you a reassuring smile of friendship rather than resort to impersonal correspondence via cyberspace.  We wish you all long life, Shana tovah and a meaningful Fast.  May Hashem in his mercy grant you all only moments of joy, peace and happiness in the future.

With warm personal greetings and kindest regards,

Natie Finkelstein
Dip Pharm  DCC  Hons-BSc (Med Sci)  MSc  PhD  FPS(SA)  FRPharmS   FIPharmM  MSAChemI



The funeral took place on Wednesday August 10th at 2pm at
El Camino Memorial Park 
5600 Carroll Canyon Road
San Diego CA 92121

Prayers were held on Wednesday August 10th  at 7:25pm and Thursday August 11th at 7am at 

Our deepest condolences to the family. May they be comforted among the mourners of Zion.

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