CAN Webinar August 25, 2024 Click here to hear Israeli President Isaac Herzog endorse our work & also hear Eitan Chitayat,
the amazing viral video creator of #iamthatjew –

Goldene Medina 175 Years of Jewish Life in South Africa


SAJAC is proud to be showing this amazing ‘traveling’ exhibition that has already been to Israel, Australia and Canada. It draws on common personal experiences of community members with a focus on shared experiences rather than a historical timeline.

A tapestry of the communal experiences has been created which includes a curated collection of anecdotes, images, and films that, over the course of 175 years, have forged the South African Jewish identity.

The accompanying imagery was curated from the SA Jewish Museum’s digital archive ( which is an online archive that seeks to secure the social history of the SA Jewish community by digitizing old family photos, documents, and films.

Please register here for the day and time that you wish to attend. Details of the location will be sent to you once your registration is completed.

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